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Re-elect Diane Meaux Broussard

Vermilion Parish Clerk of Court

Diane Meaux Broussard
I humbly ask for your continued support and trust, as together, we can shape the future where justice is accessible, our community thrives, and ideals of public service remain at the forefront of our collective endeavors.

Support Diane


Support Diane

Vision, Issues, & Values

When I ran for the position of Clerk of Court for Vermilion Parish, my promise to you was a simple one. I promise to bring your Clerk’s office up to date with services and technology and to create an office of knowledgeable staff where courteous and professional service is seen and felt as soon as you enter. Ask anyone who visits the Clerk’s Office for services and I believe that they will agree that we have delivered on that promise. Diane Meaux Broussard

I am proud of the many improvements to our office. The one improvement that stands out as a gold star to me is linking access of the Clerk’s office to other public entities, such as, the Tax Assessor’s Office, District Attorney’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and Public Defender’s Office. This process eliminates redundancy of work related to the recording of data and access to it, streamlines efficiency, and increases productivity, all of which benefits the end user for services accessed at the Clerk’s Office.

As President of the Louisiana Clerks of Court Association, I successfully lobbied the legislature and secured approval of a statewide portal. This portal allows everyone to search land indices throughout the state. This program will be available to the public in late November of this year.

In my first term as an elected official I quickly learned the magnitude of responsibility public officials have beyond the office in which they hold. Hurricane Rita was a tragic event for Vermilion Parish and fulfilling my duties during and for weeks after was an experience that I will never forget, an experience that broadened my perspective on public service.

 As an elected official I understand the meaning of public service and that serving the public is not a 9 to 5 job, nor does it stop at the doorstep of the Clerk’s Office. I enjoy the many boards that I serve and the public engagements that call me to serve in many areas of the parish for many needs. I absolutely love serving as your Clerk of Court and humbly ask for your continued support.

A Message From Diane

As your Clerk of Court, I have worked tirelessly to maintain the integrity of our court records, ensuring the preservation of our collective history and protection of sensitive information. With the ever evolving legal landscape, I have continually sought professional development opportunities to stay updated, enabling me to make informed decisions and provide the highest level of service to our community. Throughout my career, I have come to understand public service is not merely a job; it is a profound responsibility. My commitment to public service extends well beyond the confines of the courthouse. I humbly ask for your continued support and trust, as together, we can shape the future where justice is accessible, our community thrives, and ideals of public service remain at the forefront of our collective endeavors.

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